Other Initiatives

The Healing Power of Art

Art and Heritage Centre: The Healing Power of Art


2022 March

<p><strong></strong>Help support the preservation of the MUHC’s medical history.<em></em></p>

Help support the preservation of the MUHC’s medical history.

Since 1821, the MUHC’s constituent hospitals have played an important role in the development of academic medicine in Montreal. In January 2013, the RBC Art and Heritage Centre of the MUHC was created to recognize the significant social, artistic, medical, and nursing histories of these hospitals. It seeks to preserve and highlight existing artifacts and complementary visual objects from this rich heritage.


Money raised to date

$ 0

$ 5,259
$ 150,000



RBC Art & Heritage Center

Once the exhibits are in full operation across the MUHC, the Art and Heritage Centre seeks to find a permanent venue for showcasing its work to ensure that the Montreal community at large has the opportunity to view and learn about the MUHC’s history.



Some of the notable historical items among the RBC Art and Heritage Centre collection include:

  1. Portraits of hospital founders (including one by famed artist Robert Harris)

  2. Painting by Sir Frederick Banting

  3. Nursing artefacts (uniforms, photos)

  4. Bust of Dr. James Bell (one of the first surgeons in Montreal)

  5. Stained glass windows by Sir Edward Burne-Jones

“The internal environment of the hospital has a lot to do with the way people get better. It impacts patients and families, and the integration of art into a hospital makes it a truly healing environment.”

Dr. Jonathan Meakins

Director of the RBC Art & Heritage Centre

Help support the preservation of the MUHC’s medical history.

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