Other Initiatives

Training Our Health Care Teams

Skills & Simulation: Training Our Health Care Teams


2020 October

<p><strong></strong>Keep the MUHC’s health care professionals on the forefront of patient care</p>

Keep the MUHC’s health care professionals on the forefront of patient care

As a leader in education, the MUHC is committed to the continued growth of current and future health care providers.


Money raised to date

$ 0

$ 3,096,090
$ 10,000,000



Simulation is a powerful tool. If health care providers are going to work as a team, they must practice as a team.

Medical practice is constantly changing. To ensure our health care professionals remain at the top of their game, they must have the opportunity to keep learning. Simulation training prepares our health care teams for every possible situation, improving patient safety and saving lives.



Our goal is to provide all health care professionals at the MUHC access to the latest in medical training.

The complexity of patient care has made the need for frequent training and collaboration between health care professionals essential. With your help, we can provide them with these opportunities.
  1. Simulation training

    Provide all health care professionals at the MUHC with easy access to simulation as a tool for education, training, and introduction of new technologies.

  2. Adapt to evolving health crises like COVID-19

    A robust simulation and education program ensures we can roll out necessary training at a moment’s notice.

  3. Build a simulation centre at the MUHC

    With a dedicated training centre, our health care professionals can receive essential training on site that benefits patient safety.

“Having the time to actually pause and learn from simulations not only gives us the confidence as professionals, but allows us to learn essential lessons. At the end of the day, it is all about making sure we provide the best care possible for our patients.”

Christine Echegaray-Benites

Advanced Practice Nurse


News & Impact

What We've Done So Far

Montreal's CAE Inc. Donates $500,000 Towards Skills and Simulation

Education and simulation training are important aspects of any hospital’s operations. Health care professionals need training on constantly evolving medical procedures.

Dream Big. Train our health care teams.

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